Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Graphs, charts using Google API with example - U1

Google Charts

In last post we have seen how to create the Pie-Chart using the Google Charts API.
Today we'll see how to deal with Horizontal chart using the Google Charts API...
It is fairly flexible, with many things you can change and customise same as Pie-chart. 

Horizontal Bar Chart

Programming Lang..
http://chart.apis.google.com/chart? cht=bhg&chs=550x230&chd=t:90,55,110,90& chxt=x,y&chxl=1:|Javascript|PHP|CSS|JQuery& chxr=0,0,120&chds=0,120&chg=8.33,0,5,5&chbh=35,0,15&chco=F640DB


Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Graphs, charts using Google API with example

Google Charts

Google Charts API basically allows you to create pretty graphs simply by using an URL with correct parameters specified. It is fairly flexible, with many things you can change and customise - which is where it becomes bit complicated. It is quite easy to generate a chart, but it wasn't as easy to generate the exact chart we needed...
So, here below is example